Tuesday, December 31, 2013
"I'm Remebering Things That Haven't Happened Yet" Music Video Premiere/Updates and Reflections of Twenty Thirteen
As you can no doubtfully tell, we did not get "Shadows" this year. No, but we did get The Sounds of Self Destruction as well as The Sounds of Static EP. 2013 also saw a huge flow of Music Videos. Although I feel I didn't get to accomplish as much as I would have liked, it's okay considering what I did. In just under a month I was able to pump out 4 music videos and get half of an album completed. As of late, my motivation has been somewhat lacking, and so recording for "Shadows" has been heavily delayed. I will be releasing "There Was a DEMO Here. It's Gone Now" by The Andy Day Project, having finally unearthed it. It should be up and available by the first week of January. I've pushed back the release date for "Shadows" to 01/10/14, and it's companion piece "From the Shadows EP" should be out before February, or within the first two week of it.
So let's say farewell to 2013 by enjoying the newest edition to the Astral Productions Video Library,
I'm Remembering Things That Haven't Happened Yet [Music Video]:
-Astroid Andy
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Neon Signs Flicker in the Dead Air [Music Video]
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to another visual experience the likes you've never seen! I have taken a very short break from making music (I usually will work on part of a song about once a day) so that I can finally use all of the footage I shot back in March, along with some footage I shot over the summer. I don't want Astral Productions to just be music, I want to be videos and a place for my writing as well. So for the moment, production on my Astroid Andy album "Shadows" is on hold while I work on some more music videos. The next video I will be doing will be "Mythic Journey to the Middle of Nowhere from the Astroid Andy album "Sanctuary: City of Flames. I'm debating about doing a video for the song "I'm Remembering Things That Haven't Happened Yet" or "Alchemilla" from the album The Sounds of Self Destruction. We'll see, maybe I'll do both. But anyways, I have been slaving away on the "Neon Signs Flicker in the Dead Air" and "Brookhaven" music videos and will begin production on the next video as I conclude this post. So enjoy the new Music Videos!
More awesomeness to come,
Astroid Andy
Monday, December 16, 2013
Brookhaven [Music Video]
I worked really hard on this video, splicing in scenes from Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3 as well as some self shot footage from early January. Be gentle, this is the first time using this software, so it's not super glitz-and-glamor, but I feel it is still pretty awesome. So without further ado, let me present: Brookhaven.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
More videos soon to follow.
Astroid Andy
Let me know what you think in the comments.
More videos soon to follow.
Astroid Andy
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Update: Astroid Andy's "Shadows" & "The Laceration Recordings" & More!
Astroid Andy/Shadows UPDATE
Okay, so "Shadows", my Astroid Andy album, is coming along really well. I've gotten about 5 tracks completely finished, and am currently (in between writing this posting, as a matter of fact) working on another new song. Unlike some of my previous releases where I've been super eager to share my progress with you as they develop, I've decided to take a different approach with this one and will only let you hear it upon completion. It may take a while longer than originally planned, but that's because I'm throwing a few surprises in there. This album, originally planned to be a follow up to "Sounds of Self Destruction", but as things go, it's more of a stand alone album that ties into "Sounds". I've set a release date for December 30, 2013, but we may see it a tad bit sooner if I keep on going the way I am now. But to keep you pumped up for it, I am going to give you a preview of "Shadows" with the first single, "Brookhaven".
Also, as stated before, there will be a follow up EP to "Shadows" that will contain demos, B-sides, a few remixes. The working title for that EP is "From the Shadows EP". No release date or any other details yet, I haven't started on that one at all yet. I'll be working on it while I work on The Laceration Recordings, which leads me to...
"The Laceration Recordings"
I have been tossing around a few ideas for this album for a little while now, and I'm thinking of turning it into a split album, half Astroid Andy, half Temple of Sloth, with a few songs that would pretty much be The Andy Day Project in terms of using both recording and writing methods that makes each individual project unique. Now, this may just come out as a Temple of Sloth album, but I'm giving some serious thought into the idea of making it the biggest album of the year for Astral Productions. Let me hear from you: the fans, and tell me what you'd like more, a solo album, or a split album? Either way, I have covers made up for either choice I make.
The Temple of Sloth Saga: Director's Cut Editions
That's right! I recovered the original arrangement for Return to the Temple of Sloth, so I plan on kicking off 2014 with the Director's Cut of it. I will be periodically working on it during my work on The Laceration Recordings, and will keep you posted on that. Also, I found the Extended Edition version, which I don't believe has ever surfaced online, so I may just use that version while adding new segments and remixing others. This Cut will be damn near 45 minutes long, so be prepared to have your minds blown in 2014.
Well, Astral Projectors, that's all the news I have at this time. I'll keep you updated as things develop.
Astroid Andy
Friday, December 6, 2013
Astral Productions is Back! Astroid Andy's "Shadows" Announcement, Q&A, and more!
So, it's been quite some time since I've been on here. Actually, it's been quite some time since I've made any music. Due to recent life problems (like the main musician, well, the only musician and CEO of Astral Productions just spent 6 months in 2 separate county jails), I've been unable to work on any new material. Well, good news fell Astral Projectors, Astral Productions is back in full swing now, and I don't see any stopping ahead. Now that I have my life (somewhat) straitened out, my legal troubles, drug problems, and family issues are either completely behind me (legal issues), under control (drug issues), or slowly working themselves out (family issues), I shouldn't have any reason to stop productions on my upcoming albums. I know you don't come here to hear about my crazy, fucked up life, but sometimes I feel the need to vent and explain why there are delays in releases or why certain announced albums never see the light of day. So let's do a short Q&A, then we shall move onto the updates about what the rest of 2013 & begining of 2014 will have in store for Astral Productions.
Q & A
Q: What ever happened to Sanctuary 3 & The Sounds of Self Destruction 2
A: I have decided to put an end to the Sanctuary Saga, the few songs I did start to make are available on the Astral Plane EP. As for The Sounds of Self Destruction 2, I have opted to create a new album in loo of a part 2, my upcoming album "Shadows" which will be out by the end of December 2013.
Q: When are we going to see another Director's Cut of the Temple of Sloth?
A: I plan on wrapping up my Astroid Andy album "Shadows" first, and remixing a few of the tracks from that album with a follow up EP with some B-Sides & Remixes (I always have B-Sides, it's damn near a guarantee)and it's always fun to revisit some of my favorite songs from the album and remix them or simply extend them, much like what I did with
The Sounds of Static EP. But with my recent acquisition of an updated version of the music making software I use, I can assure you that when I do release the next Director's Cut of my Temple of Sloth Saga (I plan on doing Return to the Temple of Sloth next), it will be better than any of the others by a long shot. I'm not in any hurry to get started on another Director's Cut EP, but we should be seeing another one by February of 2014.
Q:Will we ever see another Temple of Sloth" album?
A: As a matter of fact, you will. Upon completion of "Shadows, I will be working on the long anticipated follow up to 2011's The Process of Decay "The Laceration Recordings. With the updated software (believe me, I have about 25 new things to play with now with the software I use to write my TOS albums. But seeing as I have not yet begun production on this album, I can not divulge details as to it's release. I'm aiming for a January 2014 release, I will keep you posted on the progress of it as it develops, and I will stream any new songs from TOS as soon as they are written. These albums tend to take a bit longer to write seeing as I do not use sound-clips, but instead write each stanza of music by hand on several computerized synthesizers. So be patient, "The Laceration Recordings" has become my next big goal as far as Astral Productions is concerned outside of my Astroid Andy recordings.
Q: When will we ever see another Astroid Andy music video?
A: Yes! I don't want to jump the gun and give you any for sure dates as to when another music video will surface, but I want to do a few of them for "The Drain", "Masochrist", and "I'm Remembering Things That Haven't Happened Yet". I have been having trouble finding some good and simple video editing software, but as soon as I do (hopefully we'll see at least one new video by the summer of 2014), I'll begin work on Cerebral Enlightenment: The Astroid Andy Experience DVD. Again, I can't say for sure when any of this will be happening, but just know I have tons of video shot and ready to be edited into music videos, plus I'm still working on an Astral Production Vlog or at the very least a podcast. Hopefully we'll see the vlog or podcast come to life in 2014.
Q: Will there ever be another Andy Day Project album?
A: Currently there are no future plans on another release from The Andy Day Project, but I do plan on slipping in a few tracks in the upcoming Astroid Andy album "Shadows as well as a few in upcoming Temple of Sloth album "The Laceration Tapes. Who knows, maybe I'll drop an EP sometime soon, I still have a whole slew of B-Sides & Demos from There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now that just may surface before the years up. But officially, NO, there are no future plans for The Andy Day Project. But then again, I never intended to write Return to the Temple of Sloth which spawned 2 sequels and a side project.
Okay, so I know it's been a long time since I released The Sounds of Self Destruction, and it has killed me not being able to work on any new music. From time to time I get burnt out on making music, or life happens and I am unable to do anything at all. Well, that all changed today, December 6,2013, when I acquired a brand new version of my music software, as well as 10 new genre soundpools (over 4,000 sound clips). As soon as I got settled in, fixed me some coffee, and had a fresh pack of smokes, I began work on my newest album, Shadows. Similar to the approach I took on Sounds of Self Destruction, I am adding more electronic elements to my established progressive ambient style. I am reinventing my self with Shadows, creating a very emotional, and acid soaked experience. I am continuing experimenting with elements of Dubstep, as well as playing with some Minimalism, Downbeat, Triphop, Electric Dub, Trance, Techno, House, and of course Movie Score & Ambient to create dramatically theatrical electronica, all while being able to expand your mind and help you reach spiritual enlightenment through sound. I'm going to work even harder on this release than previous efforts so that hopefully I can cram it full of extra material for those of you who download it. I will keep you up to date as things develop here at Astral Productions.
Here's a sneak peak at the first draft of the cover.
As a side note, I am thinking of re-doing all my album covers with pictures that are not of me, but of photographs I have taken that I feel will represent the album. I will edit some and put them up on the blog, displaying them besides the original cover, and let you, THE FANS, decide which should be the final cover. More on that at a later time.
Keep on Astral Projecting,
Astroid Andy
Q & A
Q: What ever happened to Sanctuary 3 & The Sounds of Self Destruction 2
A: I have decided to put an end to the Sanctuary Saga, the few songs I did start to make are available on the Astral Plane EP. As for The Sounds of Self Destruction 2, I have opted to create a new album in loo of a part 2, my upcoming album "Shadows" which will be out by the end of December 2013.
Q: When are we going to see another Director's Cut of the Temple of Sloth?
A: I plan on wrapping up my Astroid Andy album "Shadows" first, and remixing a few of the tracks from that album with a follow up EP with some B-Sides & Remixes (I always have B-Sides, it's damn near a guarantee)and it's always fun to revisit some of my favorite songs from the album and remix them or simply extend them, much like what I did with
The Sounds of Static EP. But with my recent acquisition of an updated version of the music making software I use, I can assure you that when I do release the next Director's Cut of my Temple of Sloth Saga (I plan on doing Return to the Temple of Sloth next), it will be better than any of the others by a long shot. I'm not in any hurry to get started on another Director's Cut EP, but we should be seeing another one by February of 2014.
Q:Will we ever see another Temple of Sloth" album?
A: As a matter of fact, you will. Upon completion of "Shadows, I will be working on the long anticipated follow up to 2011's The Process of Decay "The Laceration Recordings. With the updated software (believe me, I have about 25 new things to play with now with the software I use to write my TOS albums. But seeing as I have not yet begun production on this album, I can not divulge details as to it's release. I'm aiming for a January 2014 release, I will keep you posted on the progress of it as it develops, and I will stream any new songs from TOS as soon as they are written. These albums tend to take a bit longer to write seeing as I do not use sound-clips, but instead write each stanza of music by hand on several computerized synthesizers. So be patient, "The Laceration Recordings" has become my next big goal as far as Astral Productions is concerned outside of my Astroid Andy recordings.
Q: When will we ever see another Astroid Andy music video?
A: Yes! I don't want to jump the gun and give you any for sure dates as to when another music video will surface, but I want to do a few of them for "The Drain", "Masochrist", and "I'm Remembering Things That Haven't Happened Yet". I have been having trouble finding some good and simple video editing software, but as soon as I do (hopefully we'll see at least one new video by the summer of 2014), I'll begin work on Cerebral Enlightenment: The Astroid Andy Experience DVD. Again, I can't say for sure when any of this will be happening, but just know I have tons of video shot and ready to be edited into music videos, plus I'm still working on an Astral Production Vlog or at the very least a podcast. Hopefully we'll see the vlog or podcast come to life in 2014.
Q: Will there ever be another Andy Day Project album?
A: Currently there are no future plans on another release from The Andy Day Project, but I do plan on slipping in a few tracks in the upcoming Astroid Andy album "Shadows as well as a few in upcoming Temple of Sloth album "The Laceration Tapes. Who knows, maybe I'll drop an EP sometime soon, I still have a whole slew of B-Sides & Demos from There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now that just may surface before the years up. But officially, NO, there are no future plans for The Andy Day Project. But then again, I never intended to write Return to the Temple of Sloth which spawned 2 sequels and a side project.
Okay, so I know it's been a long time since I released The Sounds of Self Destruction, and it has killed me not being able to work on any new music. From time to time I get burnt out on making music, or life happens and I am unable to do anything at all. Well, that all changed today, December 6,2013, when I acquired a brand new version of my music software, as well as 10 new genre soundpools (over 4,000 sound clips). As soon as I got settled in, fixed me some coffee, and had a fresh pack of smokes, I began work on my newest album, Shadows. Similar to the approach I took on Sounds of Self Destruction, I am adding more electronic elements to my established progressive ambient style. I am reinventing my self with Shadows, creating a very emotional, and acid soaked experience. I am continuing experimenting with elements of Dubstep, as well as playing with some Minimalism, Downbeat, Triphop, Electric Dub, Trance, Techno, House, and of course Movie Score & Ambient to create dramatically theatrical electronica, all while being able to expand your mind and help you reach spiritual enlightenment through sound. I'm going to work even harder on this release than previous efforts so that hopefully I can cram it full of extra material for those of you who download it. I will keep you up to date as things develop here at Astral Productions.
Here's a sneak peak at the first draft of the cover.
As a side note, I am thinking of re-doing all my album covers with pictures that are not of me, but of photographs I have taken that I feel will represent the album. I will edit some and put them up on the blog, displaying them besides the original cover, and let you, THE FANS, decide which should be the final cover. More on that at a later time.
Keep on Astral Projecting,
Astroid Andy
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Sounds of Static EP
Over the past few days, I have been working on a new EP. It started out as something to do when I was bored, "remixing" songs from my newest LP The Sounds of Self Destruction. I put quotations around remixing for a reason, these "remixes" had absolutely no effort involved, all I would do is reduce the BPM to the lowest it would go to make a 2 minute song into a 13 minute song. But after a few songs, I decided to actually remix some songs. The first song I did was The Floor is Made of Pills. I had already reduced the BPM, but then I started toying with different effects to certain sound clips, then I moved some parts around and constructed brand new segments. I don't usually remix my songs, but I found that it allows me to breathe new life into them and see them from a different angle.
Among the 5 remixes are 4 brand new tracks. They are:
Schizophrenia - the first song made exclusively for Static, I made this right after remixing Shadow Takes All. At first it was going to be a part of that remix, but once I started writing it I found myself unable to find a good stopping point and decided to let it be it's own song. If you listen, the Shadow remix actually bleeds into this song.
Heads or Tails? - This song was originally written for Self Destruction 2, and technically is a demo. I had written the entire song without drums and exported it as an MP3. I had already wrote and exported the drum track for this song, but by the time I decided to fully mix it, I realized that I had forgot to save both of them. Luckily I still had MP3 versions of both tracks, so I was able to keep them. (In case you were wondering, all songs that I upload to my Bandcamp account have to be in .WAV format, so MP3s are useless). The title of song is a refrence to The Lutece Twins from Bioshock Infinite.
Blackouts - this is the drum track for Heads or Tails?. I think it stands very well as it's own song though. It took me two hours to write this, and I'm very proud of it.
66.6 FM [III] - This song was originally written for "Self Destruction 2" as the intro, but I thought it fit in better with this EP. The "[III]" is an indicator that this is the third part to the hidden song from the first part of Self Destruction, there will be a total of 5 parts all together that form one giant song when played in order.
Currently the EP is unfinished, I have about 2 or 3 more remixes left to do before I call this one finished. I plan releasing a series of remix EPs called The Lost Tapes Saga and will feature songs from Skin, Decomposed, The Manipulated Living, and the Sanctuary Saga. I'll post more updates as those unfold. In the mean time, enjoy the 90% completed SOUNDS OF STATIC EP
This Has Been: ASTROID ANDY:
Monday, February 25, 2013
The Sounds of Self Destruction is Complete, Explained. Updates about Upcoming Releases.
Something unexpected happened in the past week and a half. I began working on "The Sounds of Self Destruction", all was going as planned, the songs I was churning out sounded fantastic. I sat down to clock in the length of my progress, and realized I had made 79 minutes, 58 seconds, just two seconds shy of not being able to fit it on a disc. But I was nowhere near done writing. Writing this new album, I rediscovered how much I love to make music, and these songs were blowing my mind. They all had a totally different style than my previous works with a few sprinkles of my signature sound, some of the longer tracks ("Alchemilla" and "I'm Remembering Things That Haven't Happened Yet") have "break downs" of just soothing ambiance with some psychedelic pads and sequences that, previously, would almost comprise of an entire song. Most of the longer songs, and I use this term lightly this time around seeing as the longest song is 12:57, the second 9:50, and the remaining songs range from 1 - 6 minutes. It's a little weird for me to write short songs seeing as I have so many emotions and stories to convey through sound that when I write a song I feel that time is irrelevant. Part of the reasoning behind the shorter songs is to reach a wider audience. Not everyone wants to sit down and listen to a 16 minute song. But rest assured, the shorter songs pack just as much a punch as the longer one's would through out it's duration. This album is very heavy on sound effects, heavy bass, synth, sequences, pads, and aggressive drums. There would be times while I was writing a song that it almost felt like I was making something that'd be played in a club. There are dubstep elements virtually everywhere. There are two one minute tracks, which I planned on making more of these bizarre little snippets of sound.
So suffice it to say, you can NOW DOWNLOAD "The Sounds of Self Destruction".
THE STORY OF "SOUNDS" [Summarized]
A man wakes up in a dilapidated motel room, the windows are bored up except for a few places where the wood overlaps. The door has been heavily chained from the inside. The walls are stained with blood, water stains, dirt, mold, and decay. There were old newspapers, magazine articles, and notebook pages stapled all over the wall in front of the bed. The man has no recollection of how he wound up in this room. The bed is a filthy full sized mattress laying on the carpet, bits of human flesh have been sewn into it, sides of faces, pieces of chests and abdomens. There is a TV with a busted out screen and burned plastic casing laying a foot in front of the bed. On top of the TV sits an old, dusty radio. As the man searches the bathroom, he finds a brand new metal briefcase. When he opens it, the radio in the other room begins to emit deafening static before bits and pieces of voices can be heard between all the electrical noises. The man leaves the briefcase, having not checked it contents, and attempts to turn the radio off. As he does so, the room begins to slowly change every 5 seconds, at first into a luxury suite, then a bedroom of a child, a morgue, and finally back to the musty motel room that it originally was. The radio's volume grows softer, but no matter what he tries, he can't shut it off. Disregarding the radio, the man reenters the bathroom to see what was inside the briefcase. Inside it he finds a large ziplock bag bloated with an assortment of pills. After picking it up, he sees a picture of his ex-lover. The top inside of the case was covered in razorblades, as if they had been glued on there. There was a notebook, every page filled from top to bottom in micro print, almost impossible to read. A box cutter lied on the side of the bottom of the case, along with several needles, and syringe filled with a clear, diluted liquid. In the bathtub sat eight gallon jugs of purified water and a large glass bottle of dark red liquid sealed with a cork. Under the sink he found a can opener and nearly fifty cans of assorted foods, mixed fruit, beans, soup, and tuna.
After days of trying every possible means of escape and to shut off the radio, the man gave up and surround the bed with the gallons of water and cans of food. He lied on the mattress with the box cutter on his right side and the giant bag of pills on his left. He began blindly taking small handfuls of assorted narcotics and reading the notebook from the briefcase. It spoke about subliminal messages, radio waves, mind control, and suicide.
The notebook explained that the author had crafted a radio that would continuously play, and he had programmed in a bunch of what seemed like useless noises, but in reality they were subliminal messages instructing the listener to slowly destroy themselves, when the radio would finally shut off, the listener would then proceed to kill themselves.
The songs on this album are the transmissions from the radio.
Let's switch stations for a second so I can tell you about what to expect next. Not feeling finished with the album I started, I've decided to make this a mini-series of full length albums, with an EP to finish the saga. The story behind these albums plays into the Sanctuary Saga, a side plot to the ultimate story of Sloth. I will continue to write music for the next installment to this saga. I haven't decided if it'll be a total of 3 or 2 albums with an EP. I can tell you that Part 1 of "Sounds" will contain a bonus disc with some demos. I'm debating whether to include the next installment in the Temple of Sloth Series, "Rise of the Temple" or to use it for the grand finale. Either way, you'll find out. Also, I have to tell you seeing as the album was completed way before scheduled, I haven't had time to finish the story to go along with it, nor have I been able to include any of the bonus material you'll receive when you download the album. But by the end of this saga, all bonus material will be released.
This Message Was Brought to You By Astral Productions.
"Astroid" Andy
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Production Notes: Week One: The Sounds of Self Destruction

Above is the new cover for The Sounds of Self Destruction. The album, still in it's fetal stage, is coming along way better than expected. So far, I have three completed songs, and that was from just one night of work. This is another concept album, about a lost radio station that transmits subliminal messages about suicide to it's listeners. The opening of the album "Lost Frequencies" serves as an interlude to Radio Waves [Transmissions 1 - 4] (The song was originally broke into four segments and would be scattered about the album). "Lost Frequencies" is the beginning of the story, when the listener accidentally tunes into the radio station from Sanctuary. By this point in the story, our hero, Andrew, is strapped to a bed in a decaying hospital called "Alchemilla", where the head of the staff wants to extract his blood and infuse it with the Blood Goddess, who at this point is still the unawakened Flesh Goddess, his ex-loved Raychael who got pulled into Sloth after a fatal car accident in the real world. It's in this hospital that the radio station, 66.6 ATTCS begins to play over the PA system. The sounds unlock repressed memories inside Andrew's mind, as well as awakening the inhuman monsters chained in the 3rd floor basement, eagerly pulling at their chains, breaking free to take the lives of those who created them, the sadistic staff of Achemilla, and eventually the remaining residents of Sanctuary.
Along with this album, I will be releasing the story (or at least the part in which takes place during this album) with the album. I can already tell there will be a bonus disc, including a few exclusive songs, some b-sides, and the long awaited "Rise of the Temple", the start of the new TOS saga. As I've stated in past posts, Sloth will be a full length story. I have thousands of ideas for how the story will go. I'm very excited about the story because it will have soundtracks. I will post the story behind "The Sounds of Self Destruction" once the album is complete on this site.
In addition to the bonus disc, the slew of photographs, and the stories, I plan on releasing a "Making Of" documentary and two new music videos that will eventally wind up on the long awaited "Astral Visual Journey: An Astroid Andy Experience" DVD.
So without further ado, I present the first three songs in the Sloth/Sanctuary saga.
Until next time, keep Astral Projecting:
"Astroid" Andy Day
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Astral Productions Updates: News, New Astroid Andy Album
As 2013 begins to open it's eyes, Astral Productions is doing the same. I (Andy Day) have taken a break from making music for the past eight months for several reasons. In my musical absence I have spent a lot of time discovering new literature, films, and expanded my taste in music. Those three things will shine brightly in the upcoming Astroid Andy album "The Sound of Self Destruction. As well as expanding my mind by discovering vast sources of inspiration, I've also gotten eight new tattoos. I bring this up because of the significance it has my life. I am depressed person, and in my darker moments, I practice forms of masochism and self destruction such as cutting myself and abusing drugs. I am proud to say that I haven't put a blade to my skin with the intent of exposing blood in over six months, instead I have found that I get the same euphoric sensation of cutting by getting tattoos. Also, another big change that will be apparent in the upcoming Astroid Andy album will be the fact that Astral Productions has moved. The albums "Sanctuary: City of Flames, Sanctuary 2: The Lost Reality, Astral Plane, and Return to the Temple of Sloth [Director's Cut] EP by Astroid Andy, There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now by The Andy Day Project, Masochism and The Process of Decay by Temple of Sloth [2011 - 2012] were all produced out of Astral Production II (the name I gave when AP was operating out of Brownsburg). Now Astral Productions III will be operating out of Indianapolis, where all albums were produced before 2011. Location may not seem like a big deal to most, but where ever I set up base, a whole different process goes into my production of music. As the environment changes, so do my influences and outlook. I'm very excited to be back in my home town, although I will miss Brownsburg if only for two great friends I made out there, one of which is my tattoo artist.
Now onto the details of the new album.
The Sound of Self Destruction
Recently, I was lucky to get a brand new computer. The other computer which I had recorded all my previous albums was almost 11 years old, this new one is only a few months old. In addition to the new computer, I've got my hands on the newest music making software I've been using since I was 16. In addition to the new software, I've acquired over 15,000 new sound clips and new genres to play around with, including dubstep. This album will be very dramatic, including lots of sting ensembles, heavy hitting brass, epic drum arrangements, along with a heavier dose of electronic elements. I want to make a mash-up of Decomposed and Sanctuary 2. I haven't been this excited about making a new album in over a year. I've been listening to a wide range of metal lately which I'd really like to add into the mix of my new sound. I will be posting demos on my Bandcamp page within the next two weeks. I have two songs that I've started working on, but nothing is near completion. I'd like to have the album completed by the end of May, the earliest being the end of March depending on my free time. Before the album drops, I will release another chapter in my Director's Cut series, this time releasing Journey to the Temple of Sloth
By the end of February, I will be posting my short story "Vicarious Destruction" to this page. Also I will post the first part in the sequel, "Masochism". I'm still working on my book "Manuscript of a Broken Mind" that will contain 4 short stories (Vicarious Destruction, Vicarious (Re)Construction: The Lost Pages, Masochism, and Temple of Sloth, the story behind the musical world I created) along with memoirs, poetry, found notes, drawings and sketches, lyrics, and other material from over the years including brain-storming pages for different stories, idea banks, unfinished poems, and much, much more. So keep your eyes peeled for more details about Astral Publishing's very first product.
Andy Day - 2/17/2013
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