Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Sounds of Static EP

Over the past few days, I have been working on a new EP. It started out as something to do when I was bored, "remixing" songs from my newest LP The Sounds of Self Destruction. I put quotations around remixing for a reason, these "remixes" had absolutely no effort involved, all I would do is reduce the BPM to the lowest it would go to make a 2 minute song into a 13 minute song. But after a few songs, I decided to actually remix some songs. The first song I did was The Floor is Made of Pills. I had already reduced the BPM, but then I started toying with different effects to certain sound clips, then I moved some parts around and constructed brand new segments. I don't usually remix my songs, but I found that it allows me to breathe new life into them and see them from a different angle.

Among the 5 remixes are 4 brand new tracks. They are:
Schizophrenia - the first song made exclusively for Static, I made this right after remixing Shadow Takes All. At first it was going to be a part of that remix, but once I started writing it I found myself unable to find a good stopping point and decided to let it be it's own song. If you listen, the Shadow remix actually bleeds into this song.
Heads or Tails? - This song was originally written for Self Destruction 2, and technically is a demo. I had written the entire song without drums and exported it as an MP3. I had already wrote and exported the drum track for this song, but by the time I decided to fully mix it, I realized that I had forgot to save both of them. Luckily I still had MP3 versions of both tracks, so I was able to keep them. (In case you were wondering, all songs that I upload to my Bandcamp account have to be in .WAV format, so MP3s are useless). The title of song is a refrence to The Lutece Twins from Bioshock Infinite.
Blackouts - this is the drum track for Heads or Tails?. I think it stands very well as it's own song though. It took me two hours to write this, and I'm very proud of it.
66.6 FM [III] - This song was originally written for "Self Destruction 2" as the intro, but I thought it fit in better with this EP. The "[III]" is an indicator that this is the third part to the hidden song from the first part of Self Destruction, there will be a total of 5 parts all together that form one giant song when played in order.

Currently the EP is unfinished, I have about 2 or 3 more remixes left to do before I call this one finished. I plan releasing a series of remix EPs called The Lost Tapes Saga and will feature songs from Skin, Decomposed, The Manipulated Living, and the Sanctuary Saga. I'll post more updates as those unfold. In the mean time, enjoy the 90% completed SOUNDS OF STATIC EP

This Has Been: ASTROID ANDY:

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