Saturday, November 5, 2011

Production Nightmares: The Andy Day Project.

It's been over a week since I began production on "There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now.", and thus far, I only have 3 completed songs. It's turning into a nightmare trying to get these songs in the light of day, some of my saved arrangements won't load, others take up to fifteen minutes, and my program continues to crash or freeze mid song. Glitch wise, I've been very fortunate that my songs have come out glitch free. Today I will continue my efforts towards the completion of this album, but I may need to keep my anti-anxiety meds near by, cause I can tell this will be stressful. While "HOLE" is in production, all other projects have been put on hold. I've taken away any idea of a release date for "Sanctuary 3" (Astroid Andy), and haven't even begun to work on "Omnipresence Decayed" (Temple of Sloth). But rest assured you Astral Projectors, I will not deprive you of any music. During the duration of the recording process, all Demos will be available for free download, and completed songs will not be until the final result. I will also be releasing a small series of "Making Of..." tracks, chronically my experience with vocal recording, combining sounds, technical issues, album details, and more. There will be 3 tracks titled "The Making Of...[Phase __:[Stage in Production], as well as a blooper reel. The album will come with a bonus disc titled "There Was a DEMO Here. It's Gone Now", featuring all the demo versions from the album. So keep your eyes peeled, cause it is coming along, just not as easy as I'd like it to be.

The Andy Day Project.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The song itself, upon completion, will reach over 12 minutes.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"The Smell of Blood" Demo from The Andy Day Project: NOW AVAILIBLE!

First official demo from "The Andy Day Project" album, "There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now" is done. The song is titled The Smell of Blood, and includes vocals, for the first time in Astral Production history! The vocals aren't singing, but more talking, creating a narrative in fragments throughout the song. The demo I'll be posting will be the "Vocal and Pad Demo", which are only two parts of an otherwise large body of music. The song will include piano, strings, electronic effects, synth, and psychedelic elements while keeping the dark overtone heard in the Demo Version. I'm really excited about this song, I've never recorded vocals and written music for vocals before tonight, so this is kind of a big deal. There will be four songs on "HOLE" that have vocals, including a hidden track of a reading of a Sanity String.

So go check out the brand new demo and hear the voice behind Astral Productions for the first time!


This is Astral Productions,
Venturing Into New Realms.

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Blood Stained Memo", an orignal piece of artwork by Andy Day, plus description.

An original piece of art by me, this is a Promo for my story SLOTH and will be used in the book, along with other similar type pictures, some with illustrations, being mainly journal entries from different characters, memos of minor characters, high school notes, and full page illustrations. Later through out the month, I will post more pictures from what is being dubbed "The Sloth Book", where I write paragraphs of ideas, full pages of mid story arches, and sloppy illustrations and designs. Hope you enjoy. This page revivals a lot of plot (but no spoilers), hope it gets you stoked for the story in full. Check earlier posts to find other pages from "The Sloth Book". I will publish it on it's own upon it's completion.

(The Andy Day Project mini-album "There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now", is in production in the other room as this article is being posted, that's how fucking updated we can get. Enjoy).

This Has Been Astral Productions,
Bidding You A ........

"The Andy Day Project" Finally Comes to Life. Mini Album in Production!

The Andy Day Project's "There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now" is currently in production. This isn't quiet an album, not quiet an EP, but more of 12 hour recording session. The release is sprinkled with mini-tracks, composition pieces that range anywhere from 45 seconds to 2.5 minutes. There will be things never before heard in Astral Productions, along with some nostalgic landmarks that will take you back to a past experience within Astral Productions. There was a post I made shortly after this site's birth detailing what "The Andy Day Project" really is, but I can refresh the memories of those who forgot or didn't see it.

The Andy Day Project is the newest universe within Astral Productions. With the "Project", I combine both of my musical personalities, Astroid Andy & Temple of Sloth. Some songs have already surfaced in the form of a remix, and an unofficial first release, "Inside the Temple of Sloth", where I began using the software that crafts Temple of Sloth for the first time. It isn't as well "structured" as the newer "Project" songs are. The first official release will be "There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now.", an EP type effort that will display the capabilities of The Andy Day Project's future releases.
Currently, this project isn't anything too serious in terms of staying active in releasing albums. I just wanted to try something new and see the outcome, which so far is pretty good. The main purpose is for the existence of this endeavor is the full length album "Rise of the Temple", which will serve as the fifth chapter in the SLOTH saga. Also, the "Project" will release a series of remix albums, re-imagining songs from past and present Astral Production albums. On Nov. 12, "Toxic Noise Pollution: Volume One" will be released, containing remixes from Astroid Andy albums "Sanctuary: City of Flames", "Sanctuary 2: The Lost Reality", "Decomposed", and "The Manipulated Living". Volume Two will contain songs from Temple of Sloth's "Masochism", "The Process of Decay", "Inside", and "Her Blood:My Lips".


This is Astral Productions,
Signing Off.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

All New Album Art for "The Astroid Andy Experience" Albums! (Plus "Embracing the Light" Release Info!)

As promised, with the release of the new cover art for "The Astroid Andy Experience", I would begin uploading "Embracing the Light". So now I am starting to upload the album to the Astral Productions music page. Also, after the release, I will post an article about the history of "The Double A Experience" along with providing access on this very site to the album! Now, keep in mind, I had just gotten away from my DJ Acid Trip phase and technique of making music altogether. These albums are nothing like Astroid Andy or Temple of Sloth. They are a mix between several different sub-genres of electonica music.

So tell me what you think of the covers? Yay or nay? And as for the music, I'll let you be the judge. I'm releasing them for nostalgia, and to show my roots.

This Concludes Our Broadcast Day,
This is Astral Productions,
Signing Off!

News for those Who Need News (Which is All You Astral Projectors!)

Don't miss your chance to get your FREE copy of The Astral Productions Experience now available.
1. Channel Zero [Intro] - Astroid Andy
2. Lust - Temple of Sloth
3. Glossolalia - Astroid Andy
4. Final Moments of a Dream (4:47am) - Astroid Andy
5. Astral Projection - Temple of Sloth
6. Astral Projection 2 - Astroid Andy
7. Astral Plane - Astroid Andy
1. There Was Something Here, Once. - Temple of Sloth
2. Beyond Our Wildest Dreams, Pt. 1 & 2 - Astroid Andy
3. Blood Sacrifice - Astroid Andy
4. The Process of Decay [Requiem for a Lost Love] 1 - Temple of Sloth
5. The Process of Decay [Requiem for a Lost Love] 2 - Temple Of Sloth
6. The Decaying Omnipresence - Astroid Andy
7. Trinity [Buried Alive Mix] - The Andy Day Project
1. They Came in Waves - Temple of Sloth
2. Spiritual Descendance: ReMix - Astroid Andy
3. Fountain of Youth - Temple of Sloth
4. Scars [Physical] - Astroid Andy
5. Sloth - Temple of Sloth
6. The Meditative Dead - Astroid Andy
7. New Year(s) - Temple of Sloth
8. Journey to the Temple of Sloth - Astroid Andy

These were all hand picked by me, and showcases the very wide variety of styles heard from Astral Productions as of 2011. The songs date back to 2008 to present, and virtually every album has at least one song displayed in this 21 track box set. The page itself will be updated in the next month to include descriptions of the songs, why they were chosen, stories behind them, and so forth. Also, if a song is individually clicked, the original art work is displayed along with artist and album.
"The Astral Productions Experience 2" is currently in production, and will feature 3 exclusive songs that will be wrote for that compilation, unreleased remixes, two songs from "The Astroid Andy Experience" (the original transitional project that produced two albums prior to Consumed), demos, and a few songs that didn't make the cut.

In other news, I am currently in the talks with Ghostly Nooz about doing a collaboration track, where he will provide some really cool guitar to the The Andy Day Project's first album "Rise of the Temple". If all goes well, there may be more songs with him in the future. Check out his other work that's been a continual source of interspersion here at Astral Productions. Nat Artlu: The Fake Hippy (Instrumental project) and his old band Dutch Rudder.

Sanctuary 3: Manifestations is being pushed back another month. Due to problems in the world outside my music, I have had little time to put the deserved effort into this project. On the plus side: The Process of Decay has been released early. Click on the link and you can listen and download it for free, it's my way of saying sorry for the delay of S3:M.

We've been experiencing some fallout's here at AP, what with album delays and problems getting an official website off the ground. But in the following three months, we should see a major turn around, especially after Sanctuary 3 is released. In the mean time, I'm going to use the "Astral Productions" music page to release a series of albums from Astroid Andy & Temple of Sloth of demos and remixes. Also, I'm going to give "The Astroid Andy Experience" a proper release, crafting new album art for each of the 2 albums and the one lo-fi/experimental remix album on the same page.

Astroid Andy has a total of 3 sets of unreleased material. Demo Tape(s) 1 & 2 each make up about 4 discs between the both of them, but will be released as full albums, with the disc number added to the end of each track title. Also, "Comatose Purgatory" a 3-Disc set will be released in it's proper form, each disc getting it's own page. Temple of Sloth has a mini Demo album dubbed "Elohim", and contains a few neat tracks. We should see the first of these pop up within the first couple weeks of November, if not sooner. Very little effort will be needed to release these, the only thing that needs to be done is the updated album art work, which should take about twenty to thirty minutes a piece. This can be done while uploading the songs to Bandcamp.

Anyways, that pretty much sums up what's currently happening. If anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know. I'll release the track listing to the Astroid Andy compilations sometime this week, along side the release of the first disc of "Comatose Purgatory". I'm planning on uploading "Embracing the Light" by The Astroid Andy Experience by the end of tonight, and I'll post a link to it here and on Facebook.

This Concludes Our Broadcast Day,
This is Astral Productions,
Signing Off.