Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Deeper Into This Madness" [2007] Is Now Up on Astral Publications!

A little while back, I started a new page called Astral Publications, which would serve as my main hub for all my writing. While I was digging through some old files on my computer, I stumbled across something very interesting. What I found was a piece I had wrote back in '07 entitled "Deeper Into This Madness", which was broken into two distinctly different parts. Part One is a series of memories written in great detail, little bits and pieces of my past brought to the present. Then we have Part Two, which is the best part, seeing as it has all my ORIGINAL poetry. I have also made this piece of work a bonus item for Astroid Andy's Shadows & From the Shadows EP that includes another (significantly smaller) piece of work from 2005/06, "Swallowed By Chaos" which is an experimental stream-of-conscious, poetry type of work. So swing over to Astral Publications and check out the newest arrival, "Deeper Into This Madness".


- Andy Day

P.s. The story for "Shadows" is coming along great. I'll start posting some of it once I get a better idea of cohesion and decide how to format it to convey the story the way I want it to be told. Keep your eyes peeled, you'll being getting a glimpse by the first week of March.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"From the Shadows EP" Is Now Availible, and Stuffed to the Brim with Extras

The follow up EP to Shadows, comes "From the Shadows EP", which includes remixes, demos, and a few unreleased tracks. So let me present you, my loyal Astral Projectors, with the newest addition to the Astral Productions musical catalog, From the Shadows EP


You read that right, my friends, when you download the EP you will receive tons of extras. I will start doing this for each release, adding a nice amount of extras for those of you who add my music to your collection.

Extras Included

1. Three Astroid Andy Custom Posters

2. Two Astral Productions Posters.

3. Three bonus pictures.

4. "The Laceration Recordings" Promo Poster

5.Temple of Sloth Insignia Poster

6. "Requiem" Music Video [Featuring Temple of Sloth]

7. "Fractured:Mind (A Poetry Collective)" by Andy Day PDF.

8. "Deeper Into This Madness (2007)" featuring "Swallowed by Chaos (2005/06)" by Andy Day PDF.
9. The "Raw Cut" of the exclusive Shadows Poster.

So go and download yourself a copy of the awesome new Astroid Andy EP, From the Shadows EP, and get all those super sweet extras.

-Astroid Andy