Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Has It Really Been That Long?: The Current State of Astral Productions in 2018/2019" Update

Okay, right up front I want to say that I have been seriously neglecting Astral Productions, including the 2 albums of Astroid Andy that are still in production (the almost finished The Neural Reconstruction Sessions: Audiomelancholia 2 which will be completed one way or another by the end of November 2018, and my next album Movie Night on Gargantuan 1, which will hopefully surface in early 2019).

There are 2 main issues that have halted music production:
1. I now have a full time job (I work at a little pizza/coffee joint called Pizza Junkiez delivering pizzas, and with the dawn of my full management looming, it looks like I may have less time than ever to have any time for myself). While the job pays well, it usually involves full day shifts and long nights.

2. I still have not gotten a new pair of high quality headphones, which allows me to fully hear every sound in high definition.

Today I started working on a few rough draft ideas for the finishing songs for Audiomelancholia 2, the closing track is something I have very high ambition for, wanting to create something very large scale that may need to be broken into at least 3 parts. All in all, I am extremely proud of the work that has been done on the album, the songs are amazing and showcase the next step in my musical evolution.

There will also be a compainion disc to AudioMel2, called The Neural DEMO Sessions that features unreleased tracks and alternate demo states from the songs that make it onto the actual album. This piece is meant to showcase all the different forms a song takes before it's finalized, with alternate parts that were cut, altered, or integrated in a different manner to the final version. Each demo could almost be considered a new track in a certain light, and instead of just doing the base demo I decided I would do multiples per track at various stages of production, giving the whole thing a "Making of..." vibe. Maybe at some point I will do some remixes, hell, one or two may show up on the next album, but in the mean time I feel like it's loaded with enough content (which is still being updated to this day) to tide you guys over until I feel like AudioMel2 is complete.

So for all you Astral Projectors out there, just know that Astral Productions is still active, but due to less time for actual production releases will be a bit more spread out unlike previous years. Hopefully this process can yield some high quality music unlike anything you've ever heard from me.

- Astroid Andy