Monday, March 17, 2014

"The Laceration Recordings" is on hold, release date TBA. "Secret Album" Info. Astral Productions Updates: March 2014.

Astral Productions Presents: The Laceration Recordings. ALBUM UPDATE.

Unfortunately, I was not able to finish the split album, "The Laceration Recordings" to meet it's March 20th release date. I do have a few songs already completed for the project, but I don't think we'll be seeing it until late April to mid-May at the latest. I am still working on it, but it's a slow moving process as I want each song to really shine, and showcase what Astral Productions is capable of. The few songs completed are Temple of Sloth tracks, and honestly, they need a little fine tuning before I decide to unleash them upon my fellow Astral Projectors. No Astroid Andy tracks have been made for this project yet, either, so you can see why it's taking a while for it's release. I'll keep you posted and probably give you a teaser with a few Temple of Sloth tracks from the album before it's release.

The Astroid Andy "Secret Album".


Part of the reason why it's taken a while to complete "The Laceration Recordings" is because I have been working on a new album for Astroid Andy (like that page, damn you's!). I'm not going to divulge to much information about this new album, but it will be directly linked to the release of the story "Shadows" which will come with the album when you download it. I will also post the story, in "semi-chapters" under the Astral Publications site. The story is near completion, and is bordering on almost 30 pages. The story will be merely a chapter in the grand story that is "The Sloth Epic" which will include stories connected to albums such as The Sounds of Self Destruction , Sanctuary: City of Flames , Sanctuary: The Lost Reality , Decomposed , and The Manipulated Living . The entire epic will take me a few years to complete, and the ground work has been laid out a little in "Shadows", hinting at the fall of Sanctuary, and taking place after the events of Sounds. With all that being said, let us move onto...

Astral Publications Presents: Shadows.

 So as I said above, with the story of Shadows nearing completion, I will of course give the entire story away for free for those that download the "Secret Album" (which will contain two versions of the story, one of which will not be made available on Astral Publishing). Let me give you a quick description of the story.
Shadows focuses on an unnamed narrator as he tells his story of survival via journal entries. Our narrator wakes up one day to find himself locked in a hotel room, the door covered in a spiderweb of chains that are welded to metal beams on either side of the door. The window is covered in boards. The walls are covered in pages of books, journals, diaries, and newspaper articles. There are a stack of eight television sets stacked haphazardly in one corner with an old time radio that emits a constant stream of bizarre electrical glitches and static for days on end. The bathroom is filled with canned food, bottled water, and bags upon bags of pills. As our narrator slips in and out of reality, he finds himself in situations and environments that make no sense, further fueling his ever growing insanity. Along the way, he will cross paths with people and experience things that push the boundaries of what is real, and was is a fever dream. Will he ever find a true escape from the room? Will he find out how he was forced to be imprisoned in it? Will he discover the sinister meaning to all this seemingly endless insanity? 
Shadows is set to be released April 3rd, alongside the new Astroid Andy "secret album".

This concludes our broadcast day:
Coming to you live from Astral Productions,

This has been Astroid Andy,
Signing Out.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Deeper Into This Madness" [2007] Is Now Up on Astral Publications!

A little while back, I started a new page called Astral Publications, which would serve as my main hub for all my writing. While I was digging through some old files on my computer, I stumbled across something very interesting. What I found was a piece I had wrote back in '07 entitled "Deeper Into This Madness", which was broken into two distinctly different parts. Part One is a series of memories written in great detail, little bits and pieces of my past brought to the present. Then we have Part Two, which is the best part, seeing as it has all my ORIGINAL poetry. I have also made this piece of work a bonus item for Astroid Andy's Shadows & From the Shadows EP that includes another (significantly smaller) piece of work from 2005/06, "Swallowed By Chaos" which is an experimental stream-of-conscious, poetry type of work. So swing over to Astral Publications and check out the newest arrival, "Deeper Into This Madness".


- Andy Day

P.s. The story for "Shadows" is coming along great. I'll start posting some of it once I get a better idea of cohesion and decide how to format it to convey the story the way I want it to be told. Keep your eyes peeled, you'll being getting a glimpse by the first week of March.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"From the Shadows EP" Is Now Availible, and Stuffed to the Brim with Extras

The follow up EP to Shadows, comes "From the Shadows EP", which includes remixes, demos, and a few unreleased tracks. So let me present you, my loyal Astral Projectors, with the newest addition to the Astral Productions musical catalog, From the Shadows EP


You read that right, my friends, when you download the EP you will receive tons of extras. I will start doing this for each release, adding a nice amount of extras for those of you who add my music to your collection.

Extras Included

1. Three Astroid Andy Custom Posters

2. Two Astral Productions Posters.

3. Three bonus pictures.

4. "The Laceration Recordings" Promo Poster

5.Temple of Sloth Insignia Poster

6. "Requiem" Music Video [Featuring Temple of Sloth]

7. "Fractured:Mind (A Poetry Collective)" by Andy Day PDF.

8. "Deeper Into This Madness (2007)" featuring "Swallowed by Chaos (2005/06)" by Andy Day PDF.
9. The "Raw Cut" of the exclusive Shadows Poster.

So go and download yourself a copy of the awesome new Astroid Andy EP, From the Shadows EP, and get all those super sweet extras.

-Astroid Andy

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Shadows" Now Brimming with Bonus Content!

My newest album, "Shadows" has been out for a little over 3 weeks now, and I have finally gotten around to stuffing the thing full of awesome bonus content. When you download this awesome album, you'll also receive:

1. The Music Video to "Brookhaven"

2. A custom "Shadows" poster

3. A promo poster for "Shadows"


5. The original cover

6. An Astroid Andy poster.

By the end of next week it will contain the story behind "Shadows". But right now, enjoy all the cool extras when you download SHADOWS!

-Astroid Andy

Friday, February 7, 2014

Astral Publications is Now Up and Running!

Another branch of Astral Productions comes Astral Publications (click the banner to go there). So far I have posted one volume of work entitled "Fractured:Mind" in it's entirety. So head on over and check out it. Soon I will be posting the first chapter to "Shadows", and in the mean time, I'll keep you posted on all the things that go on in Astral Publications.

-Astroid Andy

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Just a Few Updates: Reports from the Lab.

So, I've been taking my time a little with Astroid Andy's "From the Shadows EP", I already had a few demos lying around, one remix completed, and just finished the first Exclusive song. I'm about to start working on "Dementia (De-Mix) featuring Temple of Sloth" and "Heavy Fog [Heavy Remix] ft. Temple of Sloth" currently, and they are coming along pretty awesome. I think this EP will be really amazing by the time it's finished. I'm still leaning towards the 2/22/14 release date, but may drop it earlier if I get it all done on before then. I want at least 3 original songs for the EP, with the rest being Remixes or Demos. Like I said, I'm really taking my time on making the original songs, and you damn near have to write another song on top of an already existing song to make a sweet Remix (or at least edit the hell out of it, which is tedious and time consuming). So far, so good. We may see this EP drop in less than 2 weeks, if not, it'll be shortly after that.

The Laceration Recordings
is a split album featuring songs by Temple of Sloth and Astroid Andy, as well as a few with them together, is set for release in March. This is album is going to be amazing, and an EP will follow from TOS with a few bonus songs. So far I have a few Temple of Sloth songs written, but haven't started any Astroid Andy due to most of my attention going towards From the Shadows EP. But I have some really big plans for this album, and the few TOS song are incredibly trippy. I can't wait until I focus solely on this project alone.

I have been writing the story for "Shadows" for a little over 3 weeks now. I am working on the first chapter now. When it is done (the chapter), I will post on here and try to promote the Astral Publications site as well, a project I would love to contribute towards more often, but my writing is frequent enough to keep a reader interested. So anyways, seeing how well the first chapter plays out will determine whether or not I start pushing that site a little more and really make it it's own.

- Astroid Andy.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Shadows" is Now Completed. Free Download (Name Your Price).

At long last, the hour is upon us, you all have been patient, and your patience has payed off, because now, after 3 long months, "Shadows" is complete and available for download. I have made so that if you don't have the money to pay for you, you don't have to, and if you feel like paying $0.15 for the album, you are more than welcome to do so, or whatever price you find fitting for my greatest album since "Decomposed". I took me a little under 3 months to complete this album, and it is very well polished and sounds fantastic. I know it may seem boastful or even arrogant for me to comment on the album by way of review, but I have to say I have listened to it over and over and each time I hear it I fall in love with it all over again. Now I am working on remixing a few tracks as well as making a few more tracks for the upcoming "From the Shadows EP". So far the EP has one remix (the song "Shadows"), 3 demos, and one original track. But back to "Shadows". I would consider this a mix between "The Sounds of Self Destruction" and "Sanctuary 2: The Lost Reality", but in all honesty it shines brighter than both of those albums. There is a ton of bass, some really aggressive drum beats, odd sound effects, layers of pad and synth that I have personally mastered and edited, and even a surprise visit from Temple of Sloth on the track "Requiem", which itself is a nod towards the next big album to come from Astral Productions, "The Laceration Recordings", which should be completed by March or early April of this year. But in the mean time, enjoy the very awesome album, SHADOWS.

-Astroid Andy

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's Finally Here! The Uncut, Extended Version of "Journey to the Temple of Sloth" !

I've had this track since late October of 2010, and I consider it to be my masterpiece. I tried a while back to be able to put it online, but due to it's size, I hadn't been able to. The original arrangement (the song's saved file in the software I use to write/make it with) is long gone, and I've only been able to find the demo version and the standard cut from "Decomposed". I decided to try my luck again in converting the MP3 of it to a WAV file (the format required to upload it onto Bandcamp), and the gods of music did me a solid and after over 3 years I'm able to present the full length Journey to the Temple of Sloth in all it's spectacular, surrealistic glory. Had I been able to find the saved arrangement of the Extended version, I planned on giving this the real "Director's Cut" treatment and add some more segments as well as tweaking different pieces of it as well as I've done on Return to the Temple of Sloth [Director's Cut], but seeing as things didn't go as I wanted them to, I was limited to just presenting it as you see it before you, which in all fairness, is okay with the magnitude of the "Extended Version"'s greatness. I should be able to wrap up the "Director's Cut" project soon when I release the last entry, "Escape from the Temple of Sloth". I still plan on doing a "Rise of the Temple of Sloth" and releasing it as The Andy Day Project. I will most likely make it an epic song, split into segments like all the others and add an Uncut version as an exclusive track for those who download the EP. But more news on all that as it happens. For now, I am overly excited to present to you, my fellow Astral Projectors, Journey to the Temple of Sloth [Extended Version], easily the greatest song I have ever wrote (in my humble opinion).

-Astroid Andy

P.S. Also, I am including the Demo version of the song with the "Director's Cut" for those of you who didn't download Astral Plane.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Song: "Requiem" & Updated Version of "Astral Plane"

First, let me introduce you to the newest song off of "Shadows", "Requiem".

This song features Temple of Sloth. It could almost be considered a The Andy Day Project track, it's not, simply because it fits the theme and sound of this album. So go ahead, and enjoy the epic new song Requiem.

Okay, so I found the tracks I had originally wrote for (the now deceased) "Sanctuary 3: Manifest", which were written right around the exact same time as "Astral Plane". So I recovered them and gave them a proper place on "Astral Plane". The two new (I'm using that term loosely seeing as I wrote these songs about 2 years ago) songs are "Final Moments of a Dream (4:47am) [Level 3]" and "The World Outside Room 271 (5:13am) [Level 4]. You'll also notice that I dropped the "EP" from the album title as well, seeing as it's now a full length album. Also, if you download it, you'll receive a copy of "Mental Journey to the Temple of Sloth [Demo]". So check out the newly revamped Astral Plane and enjoy the new material!

I'll keep you posted as things continuously progress.

-Astroid Andy

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kicking Off 2014 with the Release of "There Was a DEMO Here. It's Gone Now" by The Andy Day Project (circa 2011)

Back in 2011 I recorded an album under the name The Andy Day Project, which combined elements of both Astroid Andy and Temple of Sloth along side some spoken word compositions I did to really set it apart. The end result was There Was a HOLE Here. It's Gone Now. While recording and writing that album, I churned out over 20 songs, some of which made it onto the album, others would be edited down and put into another song that made it onto the album, and some just didn't make it onto the album at all. At the time, I didn't think much of all the material that didn't make the cut and was just satisfied with what I had created and released. But after going back and listening to a lot of the stuff that simply just collected dust, I found quite a bit of gold and decided it should be released. So now, 3 years later, I have put a lot of time and effort into bringing "There Was a DEMO Here. It's Gone Now." to the light of day and am very proud to kick off 2014 with it's release. So without further ado, here it is. Enjoy.

-Astroid Andy