Monday, October 8, 2012

The Astroid Andy Cerbral Enlightenment DVD Experience [+ AP News]

Astroid Andy DVD Details

Did you read the title carefully? Are the letters DVD there? OF COURSE THEY ARE! "Astroid" Andy here, letting all my Astral Projectors in on some really awesome stuff flowing out of Astral Productions. Since I have been absent from Astral Productions for some time, I thought the best way to jump back into gear was by finally releasing the long talked-about, rumored, and promised Astroid Andy DVD. There will be a few music videos, outtakes, "Astroid Andy Talks:" a brief video discussing the meaning and background of every Astroid Andy album. Also, the DVD will feature one unreleased Andy Day Project song. The DVD should be ready by early November, which brings us to...

November & December Releases
1. (November 12) Rise of the Temple - Astroid Andy/Temple Sloth split EP
2. (November 30) Blasphemy Noise - Astroid Andy
3. (December 5) Recordings of Flesh - Temple of Sloth

So now you got something to be stoked about. I'm working on the forth music video at the moment, I plan on recording the "Astroid Andy Talks:" series within a week. The DVD will also include a short, silent film titled "Scratch", written, produced, and directed by myself.

I would like to apologize to all my fans for the long break from new material, but your patience will be greatly rewarded. I will upload the full version of "The Astroid Andy Cerebral Enlightenment DVD Experience" onto YouTube and will send physical copies (hand decorated by me on DVDr's, signed, with one of seven custom covers) to the first 50 people to email me asking for one. After that, they will cost $2.99 and I will cover any shipping costs.


Keep Projecting,


Monday, May 21, 2012

Devolpments Down in the Lab

It's been a crazy week for me. For the latter part of the week, I was away from Astral Productions, taking care of family business. My 22nd birthday was on the 17th, I celebrated it days before and days after by visiting head shops, strip clubs, and surrounding myself with family and friends I hadn't seen in some time. But my absence from the studio didn't stop me from working on different projects that are in motion currently here at Astral Productions. Currently I am compiling photographs for the novella version of Vicarious Destruction & Masochists. These pictures will also be featured in my book, A Story of Scars: The Mind of Andy Day. The finished book will have over 90 photographs, all of which will be available to view online. And for those of you wondering how the new album is coming along, I must say it quiet awesome. Everything is in "demo mode" currently, but it's shaping up great, showing promise for pure audio euphoria. As for Masochists, the progression is going a bit slower than the photography project and the new album, but I have had several brain storming sessions (something that is extremely new to my writing style) which have spawned several great advancements into the story as well as character development, writing techniques, plot twists, themes, metaphors, and more structure. I am going to focus most of my energy into the story, but I will take breaks to venture into other creative outlets, if only to strengthen my integrity and passion for the story. Also a break helps utilize any new skills acquired and apply newer ideas in a more experienced form. Once Masochists is finished, then I will begin work on Project: Vicarious (Re)Construction, where I will dissect the story, re-edit certain parts and add a substantial amount of new material so that when both stories are put together as one it will create the picture I've wanted to paint since the beginning. The updated Vicarious Destruction & Masochists will make up the first part of my book. It will also be released separately with the original rough draft versions of both stories.

This Concludes Our Daily Broadcast:
This is Andy Day for Astral Productions:
Signing Off

The photos for Vicarious Destruction & Masochists are now online. Check Out Here!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Year of the Andmiester: What to Expect in 2012.


Let me state for the record, I do have split personalities. If you haven't gathered that yet, you obviously haven't been paying attention. I'm Astroid Andy, Temple of Sloth, The Andy Day Project, the writer Andy Day, and the admin of the blog I'm passing off as an official website for a company based in my bedroom. Sure, they all share the name Andy, but rest assured, they each are totally separate individuals. It's been a while since any of these personalities have been given a space to roam free, and the time has finally come to unleash a select few: Andy Day [the writer], and The Andy Day Project. Let me put the personality topic into context. We, meaning all of us, have several sides to ourselves, fragments if you will. It can easily be broken down into three: the person you think you are, the person you want to be, and the person others see you as. Each one of those differ drastically, making it virtually impossible for you to ever gather all the pieces to put together the mirror that reveals the real you. We never truly know each ourselves, not completely. The simple fact that the person you think you are is totally different than the person everyone you come into contact with makes you hundreds, if not thousands of people, prospectively speaking. But when can isolate different aspects of our personalities, we can give them their own identities, maybe as a way of controlling the chaos of all these different ideas and thoughts making you question your sanity. As a writer, you have to create characters to convey a story. To create a character, you have create a person, with a physical body, emotions, personality, a past and memories, to put it shortly, you create life. You get to play god on a select group of people. You control their fate, you create them in your image, or base them off a person who's entered your world. Having begun production of "Masochists: Vicarious Destruction 2" recently, I have been reflecting on personal knowledge of self. Getting into psychology, human behavioral studies, ancient history, religion (the creation and use against mass consciousness), and world mythology (to see how people interpreted events, and the gods they created to explain them with all the stories interwoven in). The reason I'm telling you all this is because it explains my absence from making music or writing, the two things that I hope will ensure my immortality. My mind is in constant motion, always processing and over analyzing. I've been in a bit of a depression, and part of that stems from not really knowing who I am. Well, I've thought about it through several different aspects and decided to use it to my advantage instead of drag me down. I can use this new mental obsession and apply it to what I'm good at: Music & Writing. So without further ado, here are the things to look forward to in 2012.

(Also, there will be weekly updates posted on the current projects of Astral Productions)

There Is Going To Be A New Album:
That's right. I plan on doing a soundtrack to my story I'm working on (details in next section), the current working title is "Artificial Dopamine: Masochists (Vicarious Destruction 2) Original Soundtrack . It will be released under The Andy Day Project, as that will give me more tools to capture atmosphere, while having a broader range of sounds to work with to capture the feel of the story. Unlike the previous release from TADP, there will not be vocals. This will be more of Astroid Andy meets Temple of Sloth affair, the instrumentals on "HOLE" just scratched the surface of the true sound that can be obtained, a way of taking the listener into the mind of the musician. I'm going to say this album will be done by mid-June, but it may be earlier of later than that. Production starts today, so I will make sure that details will flesh out within the next few weeks. So just keep your eyes peeled on that one. I will post the first song after it's been mastered, but it may only be a demo by the end of tonight. You're welcome.

There Is Going to Be a Book
Okay, while the amount of content could easily be called a book, it will not be a professionally published book. I'm still working on the logistics of how it will in it's physical form. I'm thinking of getting a three-hole paper punch, and put six holes in the pages and bind them with black, grey, and red dyed hemp string. The first copy's cover will be a piece of notebook paper laminated onto a severed spiral notebook back cover. That's where I run into a problem. I need to find a paper thick enough to use as covers, I don't want this thing looking like a fucking screen play, this will be my starter legacy. If anybody knows a type of paper thick enough that can be mass copied in a copier or printer, please let me know. Now you're probably wondering what the hell I am rambling on about. I am in the process of constructing a 60+ page story, cut into two parts. The first was written in 2008, Vicarious Destruction. After I complete the second part to this saga, "Masochists: Vicarious Destruction 2", I will go back, edit and add in an upwards of 10 additional pages to the original. Once the two are done, I am going to start working on formatting my poetry. I'm going to gather writing from as far back as 2007 until now, all my half assed short stories that only made it a chapter or two. All my failed memories, my deleted scenes, pretty much everything. That will be an easy hundred-fifty pages. And what's cooler about it, is it will be hand made by me. I'm going to make copies for all my family and friends. Maybe if I get enough positive feedback, I'll spring and get it actually published, professionally pressed, a plot summery on the back. Then I'd open an online-store, get about 300 of each one my albums professionally pressed and sell them for the price it would take me just to make my money back. Nobody would buy a thing. Not even the T-Shirts and Hot Pants.
So back to the book. The title is currently "The Story of Scars: The Mind of Andy Day". I'm hoping to be sowing my first one by August. Seeing as about 69% of this thing is already wrote, it shouldn't take too long if keep at it, constantly work. Once I get into writing, I get into writing. I'm pretty sure you have noticed that at this point in the news feed. If I get this done, I'll sell hand made copies for $10. Check Andy Day's Notes on Facebook for a taste of what'll you'll find in this thing. There's so much stuff I have written on this computer, it's begging to become an illogical book.

There's A New Story in the Works
So this has been mentioned previously, but I'll elaborate on it just a tad bit further, because I am really fucking excited about this one. Even as a sequel, this story can be read without having prior knowledge to the previous story to make sense. That's not to say if you read the first one, the story will become clearer this time around, a lot of questions are answered, a plot twists, and the behind the scenes to the first's plot. Also, dead characters speak in this one. I know, the idea sounds weird, but it's used as another way to get to understand the characters as human beings, it breaks the fourth wall constantly, it explores extensional ideas, explores metaphysics, questions mortality and reality, is a really fun way to help tell a story. I'm really going places with this story, exploring places in my mind. Remember that little introduction to this entire blog post? That is a fountain of inspiration for me. It's been a little over a week and I have twelve pages using size 10 font wrote, opening future plot points. When I finish this story I am going to make it into it's own kind of odd book. I'm going to get folders with three prongs on the inside, punch the paper, and cut apart the folders and sew them back together with grey hemp string. They will be glossy black folders with the cut out of a drawing on lined notebook paper will be the cover. I'll give these to friends and family, and sell them for $2.00. As I was saying about the plot of the story, like I said, even if you didn't get to read the first one, you could follow this one with ease. You'll pick up things from the first one right off the bat. So keep that in mind when considering reading this story. In the weekly updates I'll post bits and pieces of the story for you to preview, to hype it up.

Key Points 1. New album from The Andy Day Project entitled "Artificial Dopamine: Masochists [Vicarious Destruction 2] Soundtrack". Due out by mid June.
2. New book due out by December, they'll be handmade and published. Titled "The Story of Scars: The Mind of Andy Day. They'll be limited in print, selling for $10.00.
3. New story due out by August, released as novella, handmade, self published, digitally released, physical copy will be crafted by me, sold for $2.00. Titled "Masochists: Vicarious Destruction 2".
3.5. Original story, titled "Vicarious Destruction", going to be expanded, turned into a novella, self published, complete with hand drawn illustrations. Rough draft will be included as just stapled. Rough draft will not be available online, they only come with physical copies. Handmade copies will be sold for $2.00.

This concludes our broadcast day,
This has been Andy Day for Astral Productions;
Signing Off.