Friday, April 8, 2016

Updates: Hiatus, New Astroid Andy Album [Audiomelancholia], and General News

Above you will find the newest album (in progress) Audiomelancholia by Astroid Andy. I have been working on this album off and on since late October of 2015 and for a long time, nothing happened. I knocked out 5 tracks that I felt were incredible, and then BAM! I hit a brick wall creatively.
Back in early August 2015 I got a beagle puppy who quickly became my son, his name is Albert and he consumes about 95% of my time. That other 5% was filled when I got hooked on collecting and playing various PC & PS3 games. I have a mild form of OCD that makes it so I get on these "kicks" where I get obsessed with collecting things, books, movies, games, and music. During these kicks, my collecting overshadows most everything else in my life at that time, and it can be a real problem. That's not to say some good hasn't come out of them, I've gone on long benders of making music and writing stories (most of which never end, because I keep expanding them and then have trouble wrapping them up). I also suffer from crippling anxiety and depression which forces me to stay indoors and binge watch TV shows and movies while I numbly lay on my futon, barely eating and chain smoking. Okay, enough of my personal drama, let's get to the meat of this post: THE MUSIC
Audiomelancholia, my forthcoming album will be a fantastic album, paralleling Shadows (hopefully, fingers crossed). I've employed a lot more dubstep, hip hop, trap, trance, ambient, dub, and chill elements than I have previously, with tons of heavy bass and dark pads with some hypnotic synths and sequences. When I updated my software a few days ago, I discoved a whole new plane on which to create music, as well as over 15 new genres of music to play with as well (and a butt ton of new synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and keyboards which I plan on utilizing for my eventual new album for Temple of Sloth). The newest track I just finished is a bumping anthem infused with dark hip-hop/trip-hop with elements of dub & trap. I'm also trying my hand at samples, adding a little extra flare to my music. This album will also include multiple bonus tracks that are the uncut versions of the song A.U.D.I.O., which is the first 5 songs of the album that are meant to be heard as a single track. I also plan on doing an EP following shortly after the release of Audiomelancholia similar to the past few EPs that followed my last 2 releases that include remixes, b-sides, and bonus tracks. If all things go as planned, I'd like to finish off my Astroid Andy's Temple of Sloth Epic with the series's swan song, "Rise of the Temple of Sloth". If I am able to somehow pull off the impossible, expect a Director's Cut within a month or two after it's completion.
So keep your eyes peeled as I will be posting more and more updates as the album progresses and a big surprise when it finally drops. Sorry for the long absence, hopefully this insperation streak doesn't fade anytime soon and we can return to the glory days of Astral Productions.

This has been Astroid Andy, taking you through a new level of the Astral Plane.
Until Next Time Astral Projectors, keep that 3rd Eye Open.

Andy Day

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